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Academics / Courses


New Courses

  • LJ 201: Introduction to Law and Justice (major/minor requirement)
    • An introduction to foundational issues concerning law, the legal system, and the intersections of law, politics, and society. Students are exposed to an interdisciplinary perspective on these issues.
  • LJ 301: Rights and Equality (major/minor requirement)
    • A study of the concept of equality and the struggle for rights in society, with an emphasis on the relationships between and historical developments concerning equality, rights, and the law.  The course examines these issues both in the United States and abroad.
  • LJ 391: Special Topics in Law and Justice (elective): 
    • This course will focus on selected topics drawn from various areas of law and justice taught by faculty members with special interests and competence. May be repeated in courses of differing topics to a maximum of 12 credits.
  • LJ 392: Special Topics in Law and Letters (elective): 
    • This course will focus on selected topics drawn from various areas of law and letters taught by faculty members with special interests and competence. May be repeated in courses of differing topics to a maximum of 12 credits.
  • LJ 399: Law and Justice Internship (elective)
    • This course is designed for students who are participating in an internship program with which the Law and Justice major is associated. The student must have the approval of the program director to take the course, negotiate a learning contract, and provide an evaluation on the internship experience. PASS/FAIL ONLY. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.
  • LJ 499: Law and Justice Research Capstone (major requirement)
    • This course will provide, in a seminar setting, the opportunity for students to concentrate on developing and implementing research projects on topics of their own choice. This course will allow discussion of various perspectives in Law and Justice as well as problems encountered in the research process. Prerequisite: PS 372.